September 10, 2012

Back to School Organizing

I think the one time of year that I am most organized is when the kids go back to school.  I tend to start pulling everything out of cabinets and start making things more accessible.   So the other day I was sooo tired of not being able to find anything in the pantry that I yanked it all out and began to organize it. 
 I will share those photos tomorrow, but today, I was in Homegoods and came across a drawer organizer that I had just seen on Pinterest the other day.   So I snagged two of them, well, because this is what I was dealing with...
How can one little drawer cause so much trouble!!!
In comes the help.  A two tray sliding organizer for $7.99.
And I'm a happy girl.  I really like that it has the additional tray on top that slides and a great spot for my scissors.
I don't know about you, but I always feel less stressed when things have a place.
On that note, I will leave you with the mess of the pantry clean out and I will share the after tomorrow :)



  1. Wow. The drawer looks great, but you have lots to do in the pantry. I do too. Mine is really bad. We really dont buy a lot of canned goods, so I really dont have that much to organize. I want to put a fresh coat of white paint in there though to freshen it up. Good luck with yours!

  2. Thanks Carol, yep I finished that crazy mess of a pantry too. So I am slowly getting things done around here :) Thanks for commenting.
