Good Evening'
I wanted to share with you guys some of the paint choices I am debating on for the Master Bedroom I will be putting together in just about 2 weeks. I have nearly purchased all of my goodies for the room, but I am still in search of an antique dresser, a really cute office chair, some lamp shades, 2 large Euro Shams for the bed, and several other little things. These next two weeks will most likely fly by since I have a list of AWESOME diy projects to tackle for this room!!!
Lets have a look at the Menu, shall we :)
1. A DIY headboard (Can't wait to build this guy)
2. A piece of abstract art
(Hopefully I will cross this off my list tonight after we hit the beach)
What, don't you take breaks before the project starts, lol?
3. Painting the desk white
4. Painting the tall dresser black and adding new hardware
5. Painting the long dresser (Yep, the one I haven't found yet) and adding new hardware
6. Spray paint a few accessories for the room.
So, now that I've looked at my 6 Course Meal, ha ha get it 6 items on the list, so it's a 6 course meal! I know, Genius, LOL!
Here are some of the color choices that I think would look great for the walls.
First up we have...
Gray Screen by Sherwin Williams

This is what I know about Gray Screen, it is a gorgeous bluey gray! My friends painted their downstairs with it and Ahhh, I am in love!!
Next Up...
Mindful Gray by Sherwin Williams
I know, I know, say no more, not to mention that the color combo in here is perfect!!!

And Finally we have...
Nimbus Cloud by Martha Stewart
Is it just me or do all of the color chips look the same? Well nevermind, atleast you can see how the colors are in the room examples.
I think Gray Screen has a nice blue to it, Mindful Gray is lighter than Gray Screen and has more of a warm gray undertone, and Nimbus Cloud, well, that should be chosen simply because the name reminds me of Harry Potter and it is a lovely soft warm gray!
So them there are my lovely choices. Which one do you like?