I love being outside in our yard! To me it is very peaceful. Just picking weeds, dead heading my hanging plants, and fertilizing my gardens are something I find that completely relaxes me. I know, call me crazy ;) I figured since we are spending a lot of time in our yard finishing up our fence (which should be completed and possibly sprayed white by this weekend), I should start thinking about how I want to build my garden beds.
Since I am dreamland planning my veggie gardens, I thought it would be fun to find some inspirational things I would love to have while working outside. So let's see what I found...

This is an adorable gardening apron. You can find so many different ones on Etsy that might suit your needs and if you are a savvy sewer, you can whip up a quick one on your own. See here and here for two wonderful tutorials on making one of your own. Fill this with all of your gardening bits and you are on your way!

Instead of just wrapping it around your waist, Jen at I Heart Organizing wrapped hers around a 5 gallon bucket and filled the bucket with potting soil. Check out the rest of her post here. Everything you need in arms reach and a great way to keep it all organized!

Yes Please! I can't begin to say how much I love these rain boot inserts called Slugs created by Rayana from With The Rain Comes Slugs. You can check out her site here , not only functional, but very fashionable!!! They would be perfect for a fall or winter style.

I would also love my own pair of rain/garden boots so that I can slosh around the yard or take the dog out to do his business on rainy days.
Right now, my husband and I share his grandpa's hand me down rain boots. Maybe, (hint hint) some lovely husband of mine is wondering what to possibly get me for Mother's Day. Well, look no further ;)
And speaking of Mother's Day...

Why not add some awesome sunflowers or other floral arrangement to a cute pair of garden boots and make mom happy.

These would be great to stake in front of each veggie section. These ones are sold on Etsy for $5 for 2. These would be wonderful, but since I would like a garden with various vegetables, this would add up a little too quickly in price for me. I think I will just purchase a pack of cheap stakes from Lowes and paint the names of my veggies on them. Should be a quick and fun DIY project.

I think having a sort of carry bag to take with you around they yard is nice. This would be another option to keep all of your tools organized and accessible.
Wagons are fine to carry all of your things around the yard, but when I saw this on Crate and Barrel, (Oooh, Ahhh) I just had to include it. :) The shape alone looks like it would be very easy to handle and pull around the yard.

Who doesn't need a really cute set of garden tools? These ones from Target are great. They have a really nice curved handle to give you a better hold. The really cool thing is that I spotted some almost identical to these at none other than, TJMaxx. I think I may pick a few of them up.
First, the price was very reasonable, I think around $4 or $5 each. Second, for those of you who are not familiar with garden tools like myself, the third tool over in the picture is a weed tool. It digs into the ground and gets to the bottom of the root, so that the weed will not come back. I think that tool alone could be my new best friend in the garden.
Hope you enjoyed these fun finds for gardening :)