Do you ever wake up in the morning and just know your going to have a great day? I had that thought for a brief minute until I got out of bed, lol.
Part 1:
Devastation ensued when my daughter decided that her pinky toe doesn't look like she wants it to and it annoys her in her sock. Insert over sized meltdown here.
After I got her on the bus, I was excited to head back to the house since things were getting done at my house today. My dad is building two bookshelf side tables for my daughter's room, Dustin is painting the basement, and I am working on design boards. It is rare that we are at the house together on work days, so we wanted to get a lot done.
Insert second situation here.
Part 2:
Dustin was moving stuff in the basement to prep the walls and somehow managed to cut three fingers open.
I love how someone else gets hurt and all I have to do is see blood and suddenly I'm the patient.
I recovered quick and did manage to bandage up his fingers, so I was feeling mighty good. UNTIL...
Part 3:
I decided to go down to the basement and take before pics with my camera. Somehow I managed to step on the back of my pant leg, fall halfway down the stairs, and put a huge bruise on my hip. NICE!
So the motto of my story is wake up thinking your day is gonna be crappy and it will only go up from there, lol.
Nah, I know the day will turn around. It is only 10:30 A.M. for crying OUT LOUD!
Why I'm really excited to see the basement painted is that we have lived in this house over 3 years and it still has the builder beige paint color on the walls throughout the upstairs and in the basement.
Here is the before photos I took this morning...
Nasty builder beige!
I have scoped out various shades of beigy grays or gray beiges before I landed on the color Thunder AF-685 by Benjamin Moore as the choice.
Here are a few of the inspiration pics that caught my eye with this great color...

The other exciting thing is that since I currently don't have any extra time to work on my own house, my dad has offered was gently persuaded to not only build units in my daughter's room, but with the help of my mum, they are also going to put together a fabric covered bed frame and headboard to finish off the space.
So it is 11:13 A.M. now and the house is calm.
A fresh pot of coffee is brewing for the Guys and Ibuprofen is my new best friend. Dustin is in the basement painting, my dad is in the garage working on the units, and I am no where near a staircase. Fingers crossed that the peacefulness will continue the rest of the day.
If you are in the Hampton Roads and Richmond area of Va and would like a consultation to begin transforming a room or rooms in your home, I'd love to chat with you. You can reach me at
If you are located outside of the Hampton Roads and Richmond area and would like to have a Design Package created for a room in your home please contact me at